
Insurance is a smart way to shield your personal finance in case an unexpected expense causes an imbalance between spending and earnings. EldersWealth offers a range of insurance plans to safeguard your financial wellbeing against various uncertainties such as death, accident, theft, fire etc.

Types of insurance

Life Insurance

For securing your loved one’s future and shielding them against financial crisis in the event of an untimely death

Vehicle insurance/ Motor insurance

To protect personal vehicles from the damage caused by natural or human-made destructions such as earthquake, floods, accidents, theft etc.

Travel insurance

To cover the loss occurred during a trip. For eg: medical emergency on the trip, travel accidents, trip cancellation, lost luggage etc.

Home insurance

For protecting your property against losses caused by incidents such as theft, fire or leakage, earthquake or lightening etc.

*Health Insurance is a very important part of insurance planning. Check out the range of Health Insurance Policies brought together by EldersWealth here.

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