
Home Healthcare

Home Health Care

Home health care can be the key to achieve the highest quality of life possible for senior citizens. 

Home health care includes any support services that allow a senior person to live safely in their home. In-home care services can help senior citizens who need assistance to live independently. This includes people who have chronic health issues, recovering from a medical setback or have special needs or a disability. Professional caregivers such as nurses, aides, doctors on call, lab services and therapists provide short-term or long-term care at home, depending on an individual’s needs. It can enhance safety, security, and independence; ease management of an on-going medical condition; avoid unnecessary hospitalization and aid with recovery after an illness, injury, or hospital stay —all through the care given in the comfort and familiarity of one’s home.

Nursing care

12hrs and 24hrs (Chronic care and general care)

The most common form of home health care is nursing care. In consultation with the doctor, a qualified nurse will set up a plan of care. This may include wound dressing, ostomy care, intravenous therapy, administering medication, monitoring the general health of the patient, pain control, and other health support.

Physiotherapy services

Physiotherapy is a method of treatment that encompasses rehabilitation, injury prevention, healing and promotion of holistic fitness. Using a combination of proven techniques and evidence-based natural methods like exercises and a range of massages, a physiotherapist aids in diagnosing the disorder and suggest a treatment plan best suited to improve the patient’s physical well-being and restore them back to normalcy.

Doctor on call

There is a provision to consult a doctor for general health check-up and seasonal fever at the comfort of your home. In case of physical weakness or other reasons, one may prefer to stay at home and have a doctor visit home for any consultation.

Dental Care

Maintenance of oral and dental hygiene can prevent a lot of diseases. In fact, lack of such hygiene can increase one’s risk of severe health problems such as heart attack, stroke, poorly controlled diabetes etc. Since dental health is linked to overall physical wellbeing, it is vitally important to educate older adults about this issue and find ways to help them maintain proper oral care. All these services can be extended to your door –step as well

Counselling sessions

Counselling is a process where an individual finds a way to express his/her problems or feelings in a dependable and confidential environment with the help of professional guidance. A trained counsellor can assist the elderly to see things more clearly, possibly from a different view-point. The seniors can also avail the tele-counselling facility through our service providers.

Nutritional Counselling

A health professional with special training in nutrition helps people make healthy food choices and form healthy eating habits. A nutritional counsellor helps senior citizens to set achievable health goals and teaches various ways of maintaining these goals throughout their lifetime. Nutrition is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. The seniors can avail tele-consultation for the nutritional counselling through our platform.

Home Hearing Check-up

With age, hearing loss becomes a more common complaint. Regular hearing check-ups are highly advisable for the maintenance of overall hearing health. You may not realize that you have hearing loss, because it’s often a gradual process. Although restoring hearing loss is not possible, there are ways to make up for it and protect the existing hearing. There are a lot of styles and options available in hearing aids. All of this can be explored and availed at the comfort of your home.

Nursing attendant care – 12hrs and 24hrs

An attendant is a semi-qualified person who can help a senior citizen in their day to day living activities. They can be best said as companions who can take care of the basic activities and assist the elders or patients in bathing, grooming, oral medication as per your guidance etc.

Lab sample collection and Diagnostics services

Get diagnostic tests done without spending hours in a queue at the diagnostic lab. We understand the significance of health tests and aim to make diagnostic services user-friendly. Our Diagnostics partners offer the convenience of Home Sample Collection.  A trained technician arrives at the doorstep of the patient, upon receiving a request, to collect samples. The required testing is carried out and the reports are delivered to respective individuals.


With age, our immune system starts losing its effectiveness. This means older adults in their 50s and above, are more likely to catch infections compared to younger adults in their 30s and 40s. Also, once seniors catch an infection, they are likely to take a longer time to recover. This is why old age vaccination is highly recommended. Among the many infections and illnesses affecting the elderly several can be prevented with administration of the right vaccines and by conducting regular diagnostic tests.

Elderly Assistance

Home Errands

Some senior citizens may have difficulty getting around running routine errands. By providing a service that takes care of everyday errands such as running errands, picking up groceries, doing other chores or even recharging their phones, the seniors can continue to enjoy an independent life at home.

Bill payment assistance

This service can help seniors with bill payments at the comfort of their home by providing the necessary technical or non-technical support.

Elderly assistance
Tech support

Senior citizens may not be very tech-savvy but they are curious learners. With a little assistance and guidance seniors can get to live more independently. The tech support service can help seniors to learn and use the latest gadgets available in the market. The assistance may range from guiding to use an I-phone/I-pad or a smart home device to even teaching senior citizens about digital services for their benefits

Mobility service

Mobility and transport services for elderly people are crucial to maintain a sense of independence within them. The vehicles are equipped to accommodate wheelchairs for senior citizens and elders with disabilities, to commute from one corner to another with least restrictions, maximum safety and comfort. Drivers of such vehicles are also well-trained to assist passengers who have difficulty getting in and out of vehicles and buildings.

Accompanied In station and Out Station visits

A provision to help senior citizens by accompanying them- for shopping, temple visit social events/ activities, they can even be accompanied to the park or even an outstation visit.

Emergency Response Package

Our partners can assist your parents/family members in times of a medical/non-medical emergency. This package includes the following assistance during the time of crisis:-24/7 on Call support, Immediate on ground assistance and Coordination, Medical/Personal and On-road Emergencies

Home Security and Safety

Seniors living alone are highly vulnerable to theft, burglary, etc. Thus, our partners offer a wide range of suitable solutions, including surveillance system, sensors & smart home products. The range of services and products include smart locks, video doorbells, personal panic buttons and indoor video cameras, home security system to protect your loved ones in different ways. It also includes features such as App Based monitoring, Smart home solutions, Fire and Gas leak alarms.

Recreational services

Recreational services
Customized International and Domestic tours

Our partners can assist your loved ones with customized domestic/international tours packages. These are specially designed bearing in mind the senior requirements.

Club memberships

Our partners offer special club memberships – to interact or meet with like-minded people or participate in online/offline activities, specially curated for the seniors.

Online magazine subscription

Seniors can subscribe to the online magazine to stay updated and well-informed about senior care industry, services, products and other social activities happening around regularly.

Social Connect offline events and activities

Our partners conduct regular offline and online games for the seniors to ensure active ageing.